Mini-Medical School
中暑患者移到陰涼的地方,除去外衣物,皮膚噴灑冷水或微溫的水 (for example you may spray the victim with cool water from a garden hose), 往患者吹風或搖扇以促進出汗和排汗 (fan the victim to promote sweating and evaporation), 冰包 (毛巾包覆冰塊、冰涼飲料罐或瓶)放置於腋窩、 腹股溝 (place ice packs under the armpits and groin)。
如果中暑患者可以喝水,可以讓他們喝冷水或清涼飲料(不可含酒精或咖啡因)If the person is able to drink liquids, have them drink cool water or other cool beverages that do not contain alcohol or caffeine.
用溫度計監測體溫,繼續上述冷卻方法,直到體溫降到 38.3 至 38.8 C。 Monitor body temperature with a thermometer and continue cooling efforts until the body temperature drops to 101 to 102 F (38.3 to 38.8 C).
救護車 Always notify emergency services (911) immediately. If their arrival is delayed, they can give you further instructions for treatment of the victim.